Today as I spent most of the day looking after my daughter, I couldn't help thinking of Hoagy Charmicael's Georgia On My Mind. My son had school this morning and my wife had many meetings today, trying to figure out his kindergarten future. I once was told that Hoagy wrote that song while he was babysitting his daughter Georgia. It seems Hoagy was so focused on his music that he had to write Georgia in order to keep her on his mind. I've always loved that story, but, unfortunately it's not true.
Seems a friend of his wrote the lyrics about Hoagy's sister. Which makes me think of other stories that have entered into the realm of urban myth. Like the photo by Robert Doisneau of a young couple kissing. Many people were convinced it was of them on vacation. One couple even sued him over it. Forcing him to finally reveal the truth in 1993 of a mystery he had kept secret since the picture was made in 1950. That he had posed the shot with models. A friend of mine was heart broken when she heard this and said she'd never look at that picture the same way again. Not me, I loved the picture before I knew, and still love it. I guess to me it's like reading a fictitious novel, or watching a horror movie. You know it's not real, but that doesn't matter, you enjoy it for what it is. The best part of the Doisneau story is one I just read, the lady in the picture received a print as part of her payment. She sold it at auciton in 2003 for 155,000 euros!
So now, even tho I know the truth of Hoagy's Georgia I think I'll still remember it whenever I
watch my little girl. It's such a cute story I can't help myself.